Monday, January 21, 2008

Did we start fighting or did we come rocking "N" rolling

The idea of these two titles are just as they sound. Did mankind fight to get to the top of the food chain, from the primordial soup where people believe we had our first ring side seat or did we come rocking 'n' rolling, ready to go straight at it. Programmed with all the information that we needed from creation. Again I am going to be middle of the road on this one as I am not to sure where man came from. Although I do believe that, be it from the soup's ring side or if God/Allah/Brahma just drop us off, we did flight for are place and we still do( to get the girl or man or to make that last dollar). knowledge and critical thought came later or at the time when Adam and Eve eat the apple from the tree of knowledge or when we were enlighten with meditation from Brahma. So my thoughts on this are we started fighting and we slowly grow to know what that means even thou we still do it. Even if I am wrong and God/Allah/Brahma did place us on this earth I will still believe that mankind fought his/her way to the top to where we are now.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Where did we come from?

I am in the middle of the road on this one. Where we created by god or did we evolve from our brothers the chimps. Both of these arguments have good views but, which to believe in. Science has the information to indicate that we did have a common relative with chimps but why should I believe these books o imformaion and not what is said in Good Book?. Which in turn tells us that God created Adam in his own image and them created Eve from his ribs.  Ah, science, its founded, it is explained but by who's words and who's ideas, someone else I don't know. I am not say that we didn't evolve from chimps but I am not to sure how that works or how it worked. Again back to the religious view just because we cannot proof that certain religious text weren't science text from back in the day. Which could prove that the creation was the scientific idea/explanation for the beginning of human life. That over time as been change to one of the many forms that today are seen as a religion, rather than a scientific explanation.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2008