Thursday, February 28, 2008

"O brave new world, That has such people in it"

A long time ago there was period in which humankind started to question everything. People start to realize that there was more then what they had or had every dreamed of. This time was the end of the Middle ages brakingforward into moderntiy a brave worldworld. The start of these times was at the beginning of the Black Death the great equalizer, this unhinged most peoples believe in religion, because why would god do this to us. But, it also help bring about the idea that even if you are rich or poor, lord or serfs you are as equal as the next person in the eyes of the lord. This in turn created a new idea, that the lives of the people should be looking in to, did they do something wrong. Some people thought they had and turned to whipping themselves, while others try to living like there was no tomorrow. Also out of this can a good thing, lack of labor, which, in turn, created higher pay and better standersof living.
Another part of 
history that help in the turning away from what they had believed in to what they now believed in, the Hundred Years' War, which thou not quite as jarring had a similar outcome as the Black Death. 
Less people more job's an uprooting of tradition and way of live for nearly a hundred years as The Hundred Years' war only lasted for 96 years over a 116 year period. 
Last but, not lest, The catholic church. The church at this time in its history where really ballsing it up. With the great schism and the sale of indulgences. The great schism, when there was two
 popes one in Rome and the other in Avignon, both excommunicating the other making it hard to believe who was in power, the people believe that because of this no christian was going in to heaven. But, then there was the sale of the indulgences a pass to heaven at a price for you or a loved one. Both of these acts made people nervous about the church which, made the people think. What about us, why us, which, in turn, lead to think out side the bible out side the church, leading to the splinter group called the protestants. These three factors and more land way for the renaissance a rebirth of questioning life, questioning everything.
New thinking, a new way of life, a new people, a new time, a new beginning. 

1 comment:

James Sheehan said...

I realize you haven't posted in awhile but I thought you may enjoy my blog as it seems to complement yours (by the way I did read and enjoy the comments you wrote.)